Hello long lost readers--
Yes, I know it has been almost 9 months since I've updated. I could update you with all of the things that have happened, but I'll just give you a really quick overview:
- we celebrated my 24th and Dane's 25th birthday
- we celebrated our 2 year anniversary!
- we moved from Yazoo City to Canton
- we went to California
- and so many more great things!
that's not why i'm here! I want to update everyone on something that's happened very recently, as in the last week and a half.
Dane has accepted a great new job in Cleveland, MS with Jimmy Sanders! Yes, this is the company he is working for now, but he's moving to a different position!
We are really, really excited about it! I, however, am incredibly proud (and can be somewhat boastful about it) of my husband. He is truly talented and awesome.
SO- here is what this means:
1. we are looking to (hopefully) buy a house in Cleveland and move there, despite just moving to Canton a month ago.
2. i will continue to be in school. i will be seeing Dane on the weekends and making my school and clinic schedule to fit that plan. i'm hoping that my schedule works where i can be at 'home' in cleveland from Thurs night to Monday morning. But who knows! i know that this is not ideal (and you don't have to tell me that it will be difficult...) but this is what is going to happen and this is where the Lord is taking us. And THAT, my friends, is the best hope we can have in this transition. There is nothing bad about this new venture. These are all good things!
we are really excited about actually settling down in Cleveland! It's such a great town!
all i can ask of you all is your prayers or thoughts and also a lot of encouragement. once the shock of another move, a new home, a new town, and the high of it all wears off, we'll need 'em.
Thanks for loving us, for reading this, and for encouraging us and praying for us. This is the best move yet! :)