no updates too exciting.
school is awesome right now. you wanna know why i love RTS' MFT program? here's why: i came into the program in the middle of the year and so there wasn't a class to 'identify' myself with (i'll be a part of the class that comes in the fall!). however, there are 2 people that came at the same time, so we've gotten together and gotten to know each other. BUT, even though i don't have a class to identify with, i never felt that i wasn't a part of the group. everyone is kind, including, uplifting, encouraging, and downright hilarious. i LOVE this program!! i love the classmates and profs. i love what i'm learning. :)
now, everyone seems to have a 'wish list' theme going on. okay, i give in, i'm going to make one too! :)
1) a DOG! i mentioned it last post, but the closer and closer we get to moving into this house, the more i YEARN for a dog! i want one so badly i can taste it. unfortunately, i've gotten a little picky. i hate being picky. i want a puppy who will eventually be a BIG dog! :)
2) a bountiful garden! we're going to be planting soon, but i'm just hoping that i atleast get a vegetable or two! i'm nervous to see how this works out. not sure i know what to do at any given time. this past fall, i had bought some mums and was asking dane (green thumb) how often i should water them and stuff. he replied by telling me, "let them tell you". so apparently i'll be having conversations with my garden, making sure their comfortable and not hungry/thirsty. thank God for a husband who knows what he's doing (no pressure Dane!)
3) craft supplies. i want fabric glue, ribbon, little odds and ends so i can complete some projects that i have been thinking about. little things here and there so make our future house more 'home-y'.
4) photoshop. i want just the basic version so that i can do some cool filtering and processing on my pictures!
5) more cookbooks! i've read through all of my cookbooks multiple times and i think it's time to expand my collection. the one thing school has gotten in the way of is my reading of cookbooks! i miss it. i read them like a book and get great ideas. it's my way of learning, since we don't have cable to watch "food network" on.
6) a fun 2.5 weeks in april/may celebrating: my birthday! (4/15), Dane's birthday! (4/21), and our anniversary! (5/8). CANNOT BELIEVE WE'VE ALMOST BEEN MARRIED A YEAR. also, i can't believe we have lived in 5 different places since we've been married. i'm praying this next move is smooth.
7) a DOG! oh wait... already mentioned it.
Okay, for my next post i'm going to be making some no-sew burlap curtains and i'll (hopefully) show you my steps and how they turned out! i'm a little nervous to express my possible failure, but whatev. you'll love me anyways. i also need to start sharing recipes! i'll do that next time too :) happy almost weekend!