Monday, February 7, 2011


School is so great! I seriously love it. I forgot how much I liked school. PLUS, I'm learning about what I am passionate about. I've already grown by leaps and bounds, and I'm exhilarated to see what the Lord will do in my life in the next 2 1/2 years! Seriously, I can't describe to you the sheer excitement of what He is teaching me here.

On another note, I am BLESSED! Why? Because I have an awesome husband who has packed up our house (we move tomorrow and Wednesday) while I've been doing school work... and is glad to do it! I married a man who has such a great servant heart. YAY DANE! I love you and I'm thankful for you :)

Ok I'll stop grossing you out with pictures of my husband. I can't help it! He's my best friend and I love him :)

That is all.

Love to all.


  1. I am not grossed out! I LOVE it!! It is the way marriage is meant o be. And your move just brings you even closer to us! YAY!!!
    SO glad school is going well.

  2. That was not Collin, it was me, forgetting to sign into my own google account.
