Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here We Are!

Well, this is our newlywed's blog! It's mainly to share pictures and stories with our families and friends, but hopefully we can share little bits of wisdom from time to time!

SO, here we are! Right now, we're living in Starkville and we're about to move into our mobile mansion (a.k.a. trailer) in the next 2 weeks. We're excited about finally establishing a home somewhere. Currently, I'm in school (2 classes in June and 2 classes in July... ugh) and working. I finish my undergrad in Psychology at the end of the summer. Dane is working hard to find work around here in Starkville. It's tough! BUT, we're enjoying our new status as husband and wife. We're having a lot of fun, trying to stay busy, and learning a lot about each other and marriage along the way. We are learning the meaning of having to completely rely on God to show us our path, because, honestly, we don't know what's next for us, much less what's going to happen tomorrow. Therefore, our faith is being tested and I can confindently say that we can only become better and stronger at the end of our tunnel.

Better updates to come! Until then, here's a few pictures from our BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, INCREDIBLE wedding! By the way, I don't think we've really gotten the chance to thank anyone and everyone who helped us prepare for May 8th. We are eternally grateful and I wish that we could convey our gratitude enough.


  1. Love seeing the pictures! Post more!
    Love, Mama/Ann

  2. So glad y'all are doing this! I love seeing how God is working in your lives. . . Love you, Mom

  3. Yay! I'm glad you have a blog! They are the best. Hope to see you around Starkville somtime! Jesse and I are here until May 2012.

  4. Glad all is going great for y'all. . . love you bunches. MOM P. S. Have fun at the beach!

  5. Love you, sweet ones! Hope to see you soon!


